Jul 20, 2008

first time wearing my cobalt blue flats...

Finally got my color fix !

since i can't wear anything too short for work... I'm stuck with rolling my walking/city/bermuda shorts... I'm getting a weird half leg tans *yuck*

long gray sweater (vint, dad's from the 80s), beige shorts (express), cobalt blue flats (nine west)

So I've had side-swept bangs for... oh about 7 years. Since my last hair cut I convinced myself that I should grow out my bangs completely. Well.. I got as far as below

.... almost there, about another 2 inches and my bangs would have been gone. But then this last week, I got the urge to have a bangs. So out came the scissors and inspired by Brigette Bardot's bangs .... or my interpretation for my face and hair type... I started chopping

outcome: straight and side-swept ;) ... also excuse the wierd faces... i got bored :P

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